Friday, July 3, 2009

Wow - What a Day at the Market

Traditionally the day before the 4th of July is one of our biggest market days, but this year it blew our records out of the water. We figure about 1,800 folks came to the market today. Troyer Farm went through 600 pounds of tomatoes in less than 2 hours. From the farmers stand point, it was a terrific day. We hope it was a good day for our customers, too.

It was definitely a good day for learning. We had good participation in our first English as a Second Language Class. At right, our NALA volunteer, Jared Zamouski, teaches about the phrases "What is this?" and "What is that?". Each student had the chance to ask and answer these questions which come up at the market all the time. Next week Jared plans to work on how to greet customers.