I'm waiting for my connection in Phoenix - three cheers for them - free wireless internet access.
The conference already seems a distant event, and by 3 am as I pull into Webb City it may seem like ancient history, so let me just jot down my thoughts now.
The conference gave me much to think about both on the nuts and bolts level of market management and on the big picture ideas of food policy, but I think the most helpful part for me was the closing talk by Fred Kent, the founder of Project for Public Spaces. His passion is, not surprisingly, public spaces - parks, squares, markets that draw people to meet, converse, relax and create community. He reminded me of how important that component is for our market. It is a continual challenge and opportunity. As we begin the new season with some major changes to our facilities, those of us who manage the market will be looking for ways to make the market more welcoming for everyone. If you have suggestions, or want to help (like our wonderful market cart driver Duane Hunt), please let me know.
See you Friday!