Sunday, July 18, 2010


The week of the Fourth of the July, the market dedicated its Tuesday and Saturday benefit meals to Crosslines, our regional food and clothing pantry. With the help of volunteers from Central United Methodist Church in Webb City and many kind customers we raised $750 for Crosslines.

I thought you would be interested to know a few facts about the organization. In April, May and June, Crosslines provided food to 1,949 families and clothing to 2,589 families. They assisted with utilities for 81 families and rent for 14 families. In June, Crosslines received 22,788 pounds of donated food from community partners like Sams, Panera and the growers of the market.

Items they are currently in need of:

back-to-school items - Kleenex, hand sanitizer, school supplies from the Joplin or Webb City school list

Kitchen items such as gently used plates, mugs, bowls, glasses, hand operated can openers, toasters, pots, pans, crock pots, electric skillets, fans and microwaves.

Gently used clothing.

If you'd like to donate to or volunteer at Crosslines, contact them at 782-8183. Or you can bring items for donation to the market, and we'll be sure they get to the right place.