Goodness, as I write this Thursday evening I look out into the
soggy landscape and marvel at our farmers who will somehow manage to harvest in
this muck and bring us beautiful, fresh, and, no doubt, very well hydrated
produce. Not that all produce can be harvested in this weather. Tami
Fredrickson said she won’t have okra today because it does not keep well when
harvested wet. So there may be a few products or producers missing today but
there will be plenty to choose from (including something for the pups).

Lumpy’s Express will be at the
market today with barbecued ribs and brisket, pulled pork, smoked chicken and
We expect today to be a much calmer
day than last Friday, which was an awesome (in a slightly terrifying way) day. We
figured that we had close to 2,000 customers, mostly in the first hour. So, let
me just remind you that unless you want peaches, you can probably get
everything you desire at the market even when it’s been open for an hour. And
even the peaches are lasting longer so don’t feel you have to be there at the
opening bell.
Tomorrow NALA is serving breakfast –
biscuits and gravy, sausages, slices of market tomatoes, and coffee or orange
juice for $3.50. Two cooked-to-order farm fresh eggs are $1. When you get
breakfast, you not only get a tasty meal and get to support an important
community service, but you also get the pleasure of being served by the
outrageous Gary Stubblefield. Gary, in case you have not had the pleasure, is
an exceedingly tall and boisterous supporter of many good things in our
community including NALA. And, in case you have not had the pleasure of working
with NALA, it is an organization well deserving of your support. NALA trains
and connects volunteer tutors with adults who are illiterate in reading or
math, or who do not speak English well. It is estimated that over 10,000 adults
in Jasper and Newton Counties are illiterate. Not only does that limit their
employment opportunities, but also limits their ability to parent. Children
with an illiterate parent are much more likely to be illiterate themselves and
to struggle with school. For the folks I know who have sought assistance from
NALA, those two reasons were prominent. One was a capable and skilled worker
who could not hope to advance in his career without better reading and writing
skills. The other was a parent who wanted to be able to read with his young daughter.
Both have accomplished their goals with the help of NALA.
Tomorrow, Hawthorn takes the market
stage. They specialize in traditional music, especially the music of the Civil

On Tuesday, we’ll be serving the
Free Kids Supper again. We’ve changed the menu to Sloppy Joes (and yes, the
sauce is still packed with fresh veggies) and I guess it’s a hit because even
though it was pretty miserable weather we served 97 kids meals last Tuesday. Of
course, it didn’t hurt that our volunteers, folks from Keller-Williams, were
super saleswomen. They made sure everyone with a child knew there were free
Sloppy Joes before they even got in from the parking lot. So bring the kids (18
and under)for a free meal from 5 to 6:30 on Tuesday.
On Tuesday Extension will share Pumped
Up Pudding, a pudding made with yogurt and milk with market fruit. Sounds
On Tuesday Carmine’s Pizza will
bake artisan pizzas to order from 4 to sellout. Supper with Trish – meatloaf,
au gratin potatoes, salad, dessert and drink for $5 – begins at 5. The Pommert’s
will perform.
And, though I know I’ll be longing
for it after a while, I’m really glad the rain is supposed to let up and we
have a few rain-free markets coming up. Come enjoy them with me.