The market is abuzz with excitement! We have celebrity guests on Saturday and
special activities. In the pavilion, Elsa and Anna will be on hand to pose so
bring your camera! These royal sisters
are real sisters out of costume – Brooke and Bethany Montgomery – and make
perfect princesses.
Just across the aisle we’ll have a quartet of
carolers from MSSU. And over at the depot west of the market, the Polar Bear
Express will be pulling out 10 and 40 minutes past the hour.
Stewart’s Bakery is serving breakfast –
scrambled eggs, biscuit and gravy, two sausage patties, and hash brown
casserole for $5 or a giant cinnamon roll for $3. Both include coffee or orange

We’ll have a full pavilion tomorrow. The
Troyers are back so that means Lance will have dog biscuits for sale – and his
dad Hector will have beautiful fresh produce.
Girl Scout Troop 70391 will sell their handmade craft gifts. This
is actually a learning experience for the girls in entrepreneurship but I’m
told their work is charming. Mende Staggs of Apple Road Farm returns to the
market with pralines. Mende is teaching a class in the kitchen on making
old-fashioned cream candies dipped in chocolate at 2 pm tomorrow in the market
kitchen. Call Mende at 417 529-5715 to register and get a list of ingredients
to bring. The class is $30 per person.
For an article about the Christkindlmarket in
the Globe last week I was asked, “when did you first think of this?” I answered that I’d been daydreaming about
more Christmas activities in Webb City for decades. And yes, Jiminy Cricket,
dreams do come true!

The night-time version of the Polar Bear
Express is operated by the parks department and it features a light show as it
goes through the park on Friday and Saturday evenings through December 17. Tickets
are $1 and are available at city hall until sold out.
On weekdays the Express is busy with school
fields trips. The first and second graders of Carterville, Webster, the Truman
schools will be riding the trolley and reading the books.
The Chamber of Commerce hosts Cookies and
Cocoa with Santa next Saturday at 2 pm at the Route 66 Event Center. Tickets are $5 per child. Since there are only 50 tickets
this event may already be sold out. Check with the Chamber.
The Chamber is also the place to
get tickets for the Christmas double feature at the Route 66 Movie Theater – A Charlie
Brown Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The movie starts at 6 pm on
Tuesday, December 13, and tickets are $5 each. The chamber number is 417-673-1154.
The Webb City Christmas Parade begins at 6:30 pm on December 14th.