We’ve got a special Cooking for a Cause this Saturday - Scrambled eggs, biscuit and gravy, sausage, hash brown casserole and coffee or OJ for $6. All profits go to support the market’s WIC program. Linda Stewart and my husband Phil are the ram rods. If you want to help, give Phil a call at 417 291-2755. The WIC program is slated to start the first week of June. Empty Bowls raised enough to fund it for a couple of months. Central United Methodist is devoting the proceeds from one Wednesday night dinner a month which should cover another couple of weeks, so we are still needing funds to take us through the high season and this is such a special program we would love to expand it.
The market’s WIC program provides two $5 coupons to WIC families
to buy market fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meat at the market once a
week. Ten dollars a month doesn’t sound like much but it makes a tremendous
WIC (Women Infants and Children) is a government program that
provides nutritious food to expectant and new moms and their children through
the first month of the child’s fifth year. Its goal is to ensure during those
critical developmental years our children receive enough nourishment to have
the healthy bodies they’ll need to build a life on. It is a supplemental
program, but also very limited. A child receives $8 per month from WIC for
fruits and vegetables. So you can see that an extra $40 a month for the family can
make all the difference and we hear that constantly when the program is
available. The appreciation of the WIC moms is deep and heartfelt.

We expect six farms at the market Saturday,
and three ranches. We’ll have baked goods, honey, jams and jellies, kettle
corn, and handcrafted soaps. Our knife sharper will be there as well.
Richard Hugh Roberts will be on the market’s
center stage.
The Kids Garden Club will plant Shamrocks (Crimson Clover) and
have a fun worksheet with plant identification and a shamrock maze. For the
parents and other adults, there will be information on Home Lawn Weed Control
and the pros and cons of clover in the yard.
Dinner’s Ready! returns to the market on Saturday. Made right here in Webb City, these frozen meals are ready to put in
a slow cooker to provide an easy tasty meal for four. The choices this week –
pork tenderloin with potatoes and carrots, taco soup, chicken and noodles with
carrots, and white chicken chili. Each packet is $15.

While visiting my 2 year old grandson, I did a lot of reading, especially of books about trains – Peppa Pig and the Big Black Train, The Little Engine that Could and The Little Red Caboose. Of course, Thomas Train was a big hit, along with his pal Percy Train.
Seeing Wyatt’s delight in trains I thought what fun for young and old to
do some train book rides on the streetcar. So with blessings from the parks and
the streetcar volunteers, I am recruiting a Train Team of folks who love
trains, love the streetcar, love books and/or love kids to create and implement
a once-a-month streetcar event featuring a different train themed book. With engaging
books, enthusiastic readers and a few props, we are going to make some
wonderful memories. If you’d like to be on the Train Team, or just want to
suggest a book, let me know – 417 483-8139, eileennichols@sbcglobal.net or
just drop by the market information table.
More fun at the market! See you there.