Things have livened up at the market. We’re
open three days a week now.
On Thursday, Ghetto Taco will be back with street tacos. Rob Pommert will perform. The Fresh Ground Seed Library will give away seeds. These master gardeners can help you choose the right flower or vegetable seeds for your soil, sun and expertise level.
On Thursday we
should have a good supply of local fresh produce, baked goods, lamb, beef, pork
and chicken, jams and jellies, and pop corn. Fairhaven will have their
wonderful rustic planters complete with flowers, as well as bird houses. Green’s
Greenhouse and Garden will have tomato and herb plants, as well as produce.
On Saturday, the Carl Junctions Schools
Archery Teams are serving Cooking for a Cause. Of course, that means that Fredrickson
Farm will be back for the first time this year. The Kids Garden Club will plant
green beans and talk about staggered planting.
Dinner's Ready is back with their frozen crockpot meals: White Chicken Chili, Pork Tenderloin, Taco Soup, Ground Beef and Vegetable Stew, and Chicken and Noodles.
Dinner's Ready is back with their frozen crockpot meals: White Chicken Chili, Pork Tenderloin, Taco Soup, Ground Beef and Vegetable Stew, and Chicken and Noodles.

Next Tuesday we’ll have street tacos again
and Buffalo Creek Incident will play. Buffalo Creek plays traditional music and
will seem very familiar because the group includes our long time musicians, The
And every week we’ll see more and more produce as we move out of this unsettled
weather. I heard from MoBlooms, our largest flower grower, today that he
expects to be in the market in about three weeks. Of course, our hanging basket
vendors are gearing up for the Mother’s Day market on May 13. That’s always one
of our biggest markets of the year.
Whether the market is big and overflowing
or small and easy to navigate both in the pavilion and in the parking, you will
find lots of good things and good people. See you at the market – three days a