So I can say without worry, come to the cozy
market Saturday. After all, the forecast is for 20 degrees warmer than last
I was whining to my daughter Cora about the
swings in temperature. She wasn’t overly sympathetic. In Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)
where she lives the temperature swung from 70 degrees to, with the wind chill,
20 below zero last week. Yes, the weather can always be worse. (my daughter-in-law shared the photo below Friday morning, April 13. Yes, 70 degrees on Saturday and snow the following Friday. It's dark because they were leaving for the airport for a holiday in Viet Nam. Mongolian flights seem to leave super early.)

The Fresh Ground Seed Library will hand out free seeds and
teach people about seed saving. This is a project of the Ozark Gateway Master
Gardeners and was very popular last year. I thought when they scheduled their
first event in mid-April that they were awfully late. As it turned out, with
such a late spring they may be right on target.
Sprout Faster will be back with their worm compost and Terrell
Creek with their award-winning goat cheese. The knife sharpening will be back
Cooking for a Cause benefits the market’s WIC
coupon program. Scrambled eggs, biscuit and gravy, sausage, hashbrown casserole
and OJ or coffee for $6 gets you a lovely breakfast and provides a young low
income family with nutrient-packed fresh produce. Our thanks go to the
volunteers from Central United Methodist Church for staffing the breakfast.
Swing by downtown Webb City after you go to
the market to check out the Route 66 Cruise-a-Paloosa.

There’s also a special market-related event
next Saturday afternoon. Our German bakers who retired a couple of years ago
are celebrating their 80th birthday and want all their market
friends to come. The celebration will be between 2 and 4 pm at the fellowship
hall of the Diamond Christian Church, 203 Market Street in Diamond. They hope
you will stop by.
What a great way to start the new season. See you at the market.