Friday, July 11, 2008

Wow - what a crowd

Friday was the biggest market, in terms of sales and customers, that we've ever had. Folks were parked half way to the soccer field on the south and west of the Kneeling Miner on the north. It must be the allure of sweet corn.

Above, the Yangs fill bags as quickly as they can on Friday.

Thank goodness most folks were patient and kind about the traffic jam. And thank goodness Duane Hunt was running the golf cart. He got quite a workout.

When you have to park a distance, think positive - not only can you get fresh local produce, but also your exercise!

Saturdays have been much calmer than the weekdays, so it might be an ideal time to do your marketing. We're expecting:

Sweet corn - The Wells Farm, Troyer Farm & Fairhaven
Peaches - Pates Orchard & Fairhaven
Blackberries - Fairhaven
Green Peppers - Troyer Farm, as well as several others
Green Beans - Helen Cha & others
Tomatoes (in limited supply) - Pates Orchard, Lee Farm, Troyer Farm

plus lots of other good stuff - just wander around.

New this Saturday - pies from Redings Mill - peach pie and blueberry pie

The Joplin Welcome Club will hold a bake sale.